Welcome to Sprintax Returns!

You can use these guides to get started

Amended Tax Return

Why do I have to pay the fees again?
If you have filed with us previously, but an amendment is needed, the amount that you have paid b...
Amended summary
After you enter your details and reach Step 7 - Amended summary, you will be able to see a brief ...
State return on Step 6 State taxes
On this Step, you need to answer based on your originally filed State tax return: - Select the St...
Amended Tax Return
Here is a brief explanation of the boxes regarding the Federal Amendment sub-step: - Reason to am...
What are the amendment steps?
- Register/Log in here www.sprintax.com (Choose “Returns”) then simply go to the tax year section...
Have you filed (mailed) your federal tax return to the IRS for 2022 tax year?
This question is asking you to once again confirm if you have already mailed your Federal tax ret...