Welcome to Sprintax Returns!

You can use these guides to get started

Federal Filing Info

- Have you filed your Federal Income Tax Return? - The first question is asking whether you have filed your Federal tax return yet or not. Do not forget that you must have already proceeded with the Federal tax return before proceeding with the State tax return;

*Once you check "Yes", you have to choose the exact type that you have filed. Keep in mind that if you have filed a resident Federal tax return (1040) you'd have to amend before filing your State tax return. 

- Do you have filing requirements to file Federal tax return? - If you do not have US income for the tax year you are filing for, you do not need to file a State tax return as well as a Federal tax return. That is why here you are asked to confirm if you have filing requirements based on the income you have earned/stipend you have received (if there is such). 

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