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Can I file FICA directly or I must have to ask my employer?

You must first contact your employer(s) and request a refund directly from them. Give your employer(s) 1 month to respond to your request for FICA refund. If your employer(s) does not refund this to you, then continue with steps below to submit your FICA tax claim to the Internal Revenue Service. This does not affect your federal and state tax filing process (The FICA deadline is the next three years after the tax year the FICA has been withheld). 

1. Would you like Sprintax to prepare your Social security and Medicare (FICA) tax claim?

If you would like to receive your FICA refund by claiming it through the IRS, Sprintax can prepare the required forms and you can select ‘Yes’ on the question asking you if you wish Sprintax to prepare your FICA tax claim.

2. Has your employer paid you back for any part of the tax withheld?

This question asks if your employer has paid you back any of the Social Security and Medicare taxes reported on your W-2 form.

3. Have you authorized your employer to claim any part of the tax as a credit or refund?

If you have given an explicit authorization to your employer to claim any part of the Social Security and Medicare tax as a credit or a refund, please answer ‘Yes

4. Has your employer claimed any part of the tax as a credit or refund?

This question ask if your employer has claimed any part of the Social security and Medicare tax reported on your W-2 form as a credit or a refund.

If you are unsure how to answer to any of the questions above you can check with your employer if they have claimed or refunded any of the Social Security and Medicare tax reported on your W-2 form or if you have provided them with any type of authorization to do that.

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